Lime is perhaps a familiar fruit in every kitchen. But are you aware of the medicinal benefits it possesses? Today, PEROMA will reveal the amazing benefits of this fruit. Despite being inexpensive, limes have countless extraordinary effects. They not only contribute to enhancing beauty but also help in combating major diseases like cancer. Recently, the National Medical Library of the United States has published a series of studies on lime extract, highlighting its efficacy in treating various ailments.
Lime can combat cancer
Limes are rich in vitamins such as vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and fiber. The lime peel also contains a high amount of limonene, which has anti-cancer properties and can help prevent breast, liver, lung, and other types of cancer. Therefore, lime is an excellent warrior in the fight against cancer, naturally protecting your body from dangerous diseases.
Effect on foodborne toxins
Scientists have also discovered that lime extract can be used to disinfect water by eliminating norovirus, a group of viruses that cause diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain, as well as Escherichia coli. Lime extract can also kill bacteria causing typhoid fever, a disease that affects 3-5 million people and caused 100,000-130,000 deaths in 2010.
Support for quitting smoking
Every year, tobacco claims the lives of nearly 6 million people worldwide. A clinical trial comparing nicotine gum and lime extract found that "this extract can be effectively used in supporting smoking cessation."
Wrinkle reduction
While you can't stop the aging process, you can use lime to diminish wrinkles. According to research, lime essential oil combats oxidation on the skin's surface. Moreover, lime is rich in vitamin C, which promotes collagen production and restores skin elasticity. The natural enzymes in lime extract also help shrink pores, making the skin smoother.

Treatment for sore throat
Lime is rich in vitamins and minerals that help boost your immune system. Furthermore, lime has antibacterial properties. A cup of warm water with honey and lime can be considered a remedy for treating a sore throat. Boil hot water, add a few slices of lime and a bit of honey, then drink it warm or when it cools down. Warm lime water is an effective remedy for treating a sore throat and eliminating harmful viruses.
Improves brain function and reduces stress
Lime contains a significant amount of potassium, which is essential for better brain function. Regular consumption of lime water can make you more alert, attentive, refreshed, and cheerful. Potassium in lime activates nerve cells that generate positive thoughts and emotions, while playing a crucial role in regulating serotonin.
Sickle cell anemia
In a recent clinical trial involving children with sickle cell anemia (SCA), lime extract was found to reduce pain symptoms (50% with lime extract compared to 92.7% without). Additionally, it reduced the occurrence of fever (46.6% with lime extract compared to 87.3% without) and the hospitalization rate (3.4% with lime extract compared to 34.5% without).
Lime Extract Powder produced by PEROMA
Limes have numerous health and beauty benefits for individuals. In addition, with the lime extract powder, you can create special, nutritious, and delicious dishes and beverages.

PEROMA's lime extract powder is made from fresh and delicious limes, using advanced extraction techniques to preserve the essence and distinctive flavor of limes. With a pinch of lime extract powder, you can add a refreshing and enticing lime flavor to desserts, beverages, ice cream, pastries, or other culinary creations.